Another light question


Team Liquid Force
My LFS ordered me a MH/Actinic/Lunar LED fixture for 500$, we go it in and it looks awesome, but it doesn't fit properly over my 55. It is orginally made for a 75 gallon, we didn't know this upon ordering it. The lighting from the actinics shoot over the tank. So basically, I don't want it. The other MH fixtures that might fit my tank or 800$, I can't spend that much. So now I am leaning towards the T5's. Are the T5's the next best thing MH? Also, will the 8 bulbed T5 fit properly on my 55 with the provided stands? I really want to keep SPS in the long run.

The 8 bulb Nova will fit over a 55gal.I'm running them on a 75 with about 6 inches to spare.Yote has them on his 55gal. and they fit but it takes pretty much the whole top.Salty I have yet tried my hand on SPS,but will here shortly.
I think it can be done if keep high.I here the Acroporas are good but not sure about Montiporas.

A sure bet is to get one with individual reflectors like the Tek 6x54w.
I have the 8 bulb Nova Extremes too on my 72. Good lights at a good price - from Fosters... Yote and Bifferwine have the same lights and from what I hear are very happy with them. I have no complaints with mine, but I don't have any corals yet....payday and bday around the corner!!!
reeffreak said:
The 8 bulb Nova will fit over a 55gal.I'm running them on a 75 with about 6 inches to spare.Yote has them on his 55gal. and they fit but it takes pretty much the whole top.Salty I have yet tried my hand on SPS,but will here shortly.
I think it can be done if keep high.I here the Acroporas are good but not sure about Montiporas.

A sure bet is to get one with individual reflectors like the Tek 6x54w.

What color combo of bulbs are you running with your setup? Can you have the blue actinics come on before the white colored bulbs?, like you can do with the MH fixture?

I know the discussions about metal halides vs. T5's have been beat to death, but after reading them on reefcentral, it only makes me more confused.:frustrat:
4 blue, 4 white, and yes you can stagger the timing if you get the deluxe timer. Don't get the won't stagger the timing.
Bifferwine said:
I have SPS under the 4 bulb T5s in my 55. Doing fine so far, I just keep them at the top of the tank.
Some people say that the T5's won't give the coral good enough light for them to elluminate their true colors. How do your corals look under the T5's?
I think the colors look better. My LFS only uses T5s in their tanks, I've heard that SPS tends to grow faster under T5s than under halides.
Bifferwine said:
I think the colors look better. My LFS only uses T5s in their tanks, I've heard that SPS tends to grow faster under T5s than under halides.
Your saying the colors look better under T5's?

What color bulbs do you have?
SSalty said:
What color combo of bulbs are you running with your setup? Can you have the blue actinics come on before the white colored bulbs?, like you can do with the MH fixture?

I know the discussions about metal halides vs. T5's have been beat to death, but after reading them on reefcentral, it only makes me more confused.:frustrat:

I running the stock lights
4x54w 10,000k and 4x54w Actinic 460nm.

When I add SPS this is my lighting choice
2 10,000k(using stock bulbs)
2 Aqua Blue(ATI 60/40)part actinic 460nm/11,000k daylight
1 actinic 420
1 actinic 460(stock bulb or 2 420nm instead of the stock 460nm)
2 Super actinic R(I like the look of VHO's purple,pinkish color)

I hope that makes some sense.
I just want to include some 11,000k for SPS and still have the purple/pinkish/blue color like VHO's.
Bifferwine said:
I think the colors look better. My LFS only uses T5s in their tanks, I've heard that SPS tends to grow faster under T5s than under halides.

They'll look good until the next time you go out of town.
Thanks a lot guys. Yes it is starting to make sense. Now I need to decide on getting the 8 Bulb or the 6 Bulb from Tek. Whichs is a better fixture, Tek or Nova?

Also. If I would go with the 8 Bulb would it fit on my aquarium with the stands that come with the fixture?

Also reaffreak. How do you have your setup timed? Like when your lights turn on and do you have your actinic come on before the 10k's?

Sorry I am bombardering you guys with questions, but I need to make up my mind soon because only half of my current flourescent light fixure works. And I am sick of looking at a half lit tank.
SSalty said:
Thanks a lot guys. Yes it is starting to make sense. Now I need to decide on getting the 8 Bulb or the 6 Bulb from Tek. Whichs is a better fixture, Tek or Nova?

Also. If I would go with the 8 Bulb would it fit on my aquarium with the stands that come with the fixture?

Also reaffreak. How do you have your setup timed? Like when your lights turn on and do you have your actinic come on before the 10k's?

Sorry I am bombardering you guys with questions, but I need to make up my mind soon because only half of my current flourescent light fixure works. And I am sick of looking at a half lit tank.

I have the Nova 8's but I think the Tek 6 is somewhat better since it has individual reflectors.The only reason I didn't get the Tek was that you have to buy bulbs,tank stand,acrylic cover separately which put it at $550+ and it has no lunar lights.The Nova has all those for $415 including shipping from

If you get the Nova 8,yes,the stand will fit.The tank stand moves in and out.
The Novas come with 3 outlets(daylight,actinic,lunar lights)
I have it hooked to coralife dualtimer....the actinic comes on one hour before the daylight and stays on one hour after the daylights go out,then the lunar automatically come on after the actinics shut off.In other words
8 hrs daylight(10k)
10 hrs actinic
lunar lights when actinics go off.
So I would be better off getting the 8 bulb from nova? This won't be overkill on my 55gallon? Also, how bad will it increase the temperature in my tank?
T5s don't warm up your tank nearly as bad as halides, maybe a degree. If that. My lights get hot, but I don't think it makes enough of a difference to impact the water. And the 8 bulb Nova wouldn't be overkill on a 55 gallon.
I seen Medal Halides,VHO,PC...they run much cooler than all of them.Nah,they won't be overkill for a 55.I have no temperature swing from having the lights on or off.

Oh I almost forgot...the Nova 8x54w also has 2 cooling fans vs the Tek adaptive cooling(whatever that means)

Good luck on whatever you chose...I know lighting choices/prices can give people migraines,me included.
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One last question. What kind of upgrades are there for the Nova as far as reflectors? Can you get individual ones?
Salty,don't quote me on this but I read on other sites that the Nova will have individual reflectors sometime this spring.You can go to Current website and see if there is a contact number.On another thread here someone fitted Tek reflectors inside the Nova but it was a tight squeeze.Sounds like your wanting IR,then I would go with Tek or wait for the Novas.

I hope I'm not making things even more confusing but Check these out before you make a decision.The Aquatinics 5x54w or Solar Flares but not the ones with Icecap ballast(799.00 overdriven ballast,the bulbs just wear out to fast)....Aquarium Specialty

I just want to give you all the options out there
here are all the Good T5 manufacturers that I know of.

Current Nova Extreme(no IR)
Tek by Sunlight Supply(IR)
Aquamedics(NO IR)
Aquactinics (IR)
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