anenome ?


Coral Junkie
i just bought a green bubble tip! but it seems to be having strings come off every were it travels. And secondly should I wait a few days before I do my water change because I just introduced my bubble tip last night.
Didn't you just setup your tank. They should only be in a mature system. I would have to say take it back or it will die. They are very sensitive to light and water quality. If you just went through a cycle keep a very close eye on it.
I dont remember how long your systems been running.So just keep a very close eye on your peremeters and be ready to do water changes just in case.
If the anemone had eattin the day before,it could be just taking a crap.If its shrivled up then thats my guess.
How much light do you have?Even though bubble tips are the easiest anemones,they require a lot of light.No less than 9 watts per gallon.Nitrates will make them sick,nitrite and ammonia will kill them.
If it deflates and starts slimming,pull it out and smell it.If it makes you blow chunks,toss it.
Other wise,good luck with it.And wheres the dang pics?:D
Anemones will usually not survive in a tank that is less than 10 months old. And when they get sick and die, they will wipe out your entire tank with them. It's hard to see it coming too, one day they'll look okay, the next they'll be a slimy ball of goo and your water parameters will be off the charts. I second the opinion to take it back to the store if your tank is not mature enough to keep one alive.
thanx guys it was kind of an impulse buy how do I get it off the rocks its extemely hard to get off the rocks

go giants !
The easiest way to get it to release is to very gently work your fingers between the anemones foot and the rock.Just take your time and go slow so you dont tear the foot.
Once an anemones foot is tore,the anemone is done for.
I haven't tried this, but I have heard that anemones hate the feel of metal against their foot. just take a butter knife or something flat. maybe a quarter. and press it against their foot. they are supposed to lift it up, and then you got 'em.
I hadnt thought of that.I'll have to try after while to make my new clam turn lose of the snails its attached itself too.