An Experiment: Me = Guinea Pig

Uggggghhhhhhh when I was unpacking my new bulbs, I got a cut in my hand from one of the staples... Then just now when I was gluing down some corals, I accidentally squashed a rock of palythoas, they turned into slime, and yep... that slime covered my hand with the fresh cut on it.

I went to the kitchen and rinsed it out as best as I could -- it was BURNING. In fact, I had forgotten I had just cut my hand, until the slime hit it and made it burn. If I had remembered the cut, I probably wouldn't have been gluing down frags ;). So now it's an experiment to see if horrible things happen to me!

I have already informed NDB about palytoxins, how they work, etc. So he is on alert in case I decide to have a seizure or something!! Keep your fingers crossed. I'm sure it will be nothing, but just in case...

These are the palys that decided to try to do me in:

Glad you're ok, Biff!

Fast, you don't want those zoas! I have some, and they grow too fast and aren't pretty enough for the space they occupy so quickly!
Well,I'm glad you are okay for the most part.It would of been nice to see a few warts or something.jk,sorta.

On a side note,I took the day off to acclimate a $14 fish!
Really? They grow super fast. Fast enough that I have put them in the "pest coral" category with xenia and kenya tree.

Okay, I'll take your word for it. I do know you have some Yellow skirts with pink centers though. What's up with them?

Now, back to the zoa toxin in the finger. I had no doubt you'd be fine. It is obvious the toxin knows not of who it trys to poison. Ain't no little zoa gonna make you sick, what was that thing thinking?:D