Air Pumps, Airstones & Oxygen.


Reef enthusiast
I noticed that some of the tanks at a LFS have air pumps with airstone putting small bubbles in the tank. Why would you do this? Should I test for oxygen and add accordingly?

We put an airpump in our fresh water and it seemed to increase the bioload capacity.
Sen, sometimes airstones are actually bad for the reef tank. The microbubbles can adversely affect the fish gills. The airstone doesn't truly oxygenate the water other than the surface of the water where the bubbles break-up. Your best way to promote oxygen in the water is with flow in the tank (a pump which ripples the surface of the water is recommended). Also, a good skimmer will oxygenate the return water for you. Good luck.
Messiah is right. Airstones are pretty much worthless in saltwater tanks. Not only do they not oxygenate the water (adding air bubbles which float right up to the surface and pop does not mix the oxygen and water together), but they quickly get clogged with salt and stop working.

Your best bet for oxygenating in saltwater tanks is to A) use a protein skimmer, B) have powerheads aimed at the surface of the water and rippling it, and C) not keeping a glass top on your tank.