

Reef enthusiast
After treating for flatworms and doing a major water change last night I noticed a huge aiptasia anemone growing on a rock I just got form the LFS. There is only one. Should I just scrape it off and suck it up? Do I need to cover the spot with some kalkwasser paste or something?
use the paste if you scrape it you wont get all of it. Every piece you leave behind will be a new one in a few weeks. I prefer using aiptsia control but i have heard the kalk paste works to.
+1 James
What happens when start scraping aiptasias,is you cause them to release thousands of spores.Thats what makes them so hard to get rid of.
With Joe's Juice,Aiptasia-X or Aiptasia Control,the anemone actually eats the paste.then it hardens inside them.That prevents them from releasing the spores and kills them.
you know, its too bad that we cant find something to steralize them, i mean thier not that terrable looking, and if i knew it wasnt gonna take over my tank, or hurt anything, then i wouldnt mind having them... but i guess our only options are to kill them for now.
All good info and the article was good too but ...

The single aiptasia anemone is a good 3 inches long and its on the underside of a rock that has Green Star Polyps all over the top. Can't I take the whole rock out of the tank, scrape it off, scrub & rinse the root off the rock, then put it back in?
Scraping it off won't kill it. In fact, it will just cause more to pop up. There will be some cells left on the rock, and that's all they need to come back to life. You need to kill the entire organism itself, either by injecting kalk paste, salt paste, lemon juice or boiling vinegar.
I bought this stuff from my LFS that`s a salt paste and you put a glob in the mouth of it and it disintergrates. Dont know what it`s called but it works good.
Aiptasia X, Joes Juice, etc.

