Adding Rock


Soon to be Reef Expert
If I decide to add more rock, are my ammonia levels going to spike? am i going to go into another cycle if i dont get already cured rock?
If it's not already cured then yes you will have dieoff and mostlikly another cycle and you chances get better of having a cycle with the more uncured rock you get. If it cure and your getting it from a LFS to your tank then you should be fine, but to be on the safe side keep the rock under water in a bucket to keep die off from happening.
Buy fully cured live rock.It should smell fresh.Like Bobby said even cured rock can have die-off so keep it underwater if you have any worries.If you buy uncure,cycle it in a separate container before adding it to the DT with fish,corals, or inverts.
i agree...if you get uncured at low price..and if the tank is cycled, which is the one your gonna ad the uncured..cured it in a plastic container with a power head and air stone.. making regular water changes, testing the water...ill be cured in alsmost 2 weeks...then you can add it with no probs
When in doubt cure it yourself..... My LFS has 7 huge tanks of live rock and sand always cycling so I dont worry about it..... if they get a new shipment in they label it for a couple weeks.
BTW David I sure enjoyed watching my M's sweep those socks this week!
haha thanks for the info everyone.

haha we figured we could get swept at least once this year, we will still win the east haha