Adding Rock and Sand?


Do Not Listen To Me!!!
Ok so the lady at the store says to me.

Don't add all your live rock at one time.

Now I did tell her the tank is empty and the rock is totally cured and beautiful sitting in their tanks.

I have an 80 gallon tank so I was gonna toss 120 pounds or more of live rock with no filler rock. I figure why spend $150 less when I can just thankfully afford all live rock. Theirs looks really nice and it is like 10 minutes from my house. Toss it in some buckets right to the tank.

Ok so is she right not to put all 120 pounds into the tank. I know I will have to drain a lot of water but will mixing new salt water mess it up?

I just figured that I am going to be adjusting to get the right salinity, ect. and then draining water for the rock so what if I drained to much. I know people add water all the time so I figured I may have to make more and keep it in a bucket and test it and adjust it till it matches then pour it in.

I basically have read a few different ways to do this but none said not to put all the rock at one time.

It costs $5.49 a pound at this store.

She said to add the sand first but again I have almost always read it the other way.

My plans.

I was going to go to whatever store had the centerpiece live rock I liked the most and buy it.

Then go back to the close store and buy the rest there to fill it up.

Next put the sand in. About 1 to 2 inches but probably 1.5 inches of live sand. I was also thinking I could just work the rock into the sand if I find like an arch style centerpiece for the middle.

I am going to be a picky freek for the aquascape. I have seen a lot of tanks that I kind of have an idea but will have pix to reference during the build.

I was also going to use a funnel with a long hose for the sand but realized it is wet so that probably won't work. No biggy though I don't see it being a big problem.

Any info or ideas or if you think it sounds like a plan let me know.

Since you don't have any livestock in the tank yet, add the rock all at the same time. Add the rock first, then the sand, so that the rock is stable sitting on the glass.

Rock is porous, so you will probably lose less water than you are expecting.
You can add all your LR at once since you dont have any fish in there. I would also look into buying dry base rock to save that 150 bucks. You can use that for other things for the tank.

What I would do, is fill the tank up with saltwater but no the sump, that way the rock will displace the water and fill the sump up. You might end up throwing some out because the rock might displace too much, but better than throwing out too much.
Well I was going to have the salt circulating for about a week before I bought the rock . Is it ok to let.just the saltwater circulate for.a.while alone
Live sand? With all the live rock I would save the money and use regular sand I know the difference can be quit a bit it should become live rather quickly with all the live rock. Save money where you can and start a fish and supplies jar and put the extra $$$ in there. Trust me you will find a way to spend it. Just my :twocents:
Live rock is to expensive to bury in the sand.Get enough of the dry base rock to get you foundation up out of the sand,then go with live rock from there.
You're definitely better off buying a mix of live and base rock. You might have die off from the live rocks, but that's ok, the base rock will be teeming w/ bacteria in no time!
Ok that wont be much so maybe I will. I mean I didn't care about the price difference but that makes more sense no matter the price.