Adding new fish process


Reefing newb
I was just wondering how everyone adds new fish to their established tanks. I know the major thing I worry about is bullying or even killing of new inhabitants.
I make sure to feed everyone first, then I turn off the lights. After a couple of hours drip acclimating the new guy, I'll put him in. After that, it's up to nature to see if they get along or not. I have only had 1 problem of bullying, and that was when I put in both of my firefish at the same time. They bullied each other.
I was just wondering how everyone adds new fish to their established tanks. I know the major thing I worry about is bullying or even killing of new inhabitants.

Yeah,i worry about this far it has not worked...
The newest is still in QT ,so we shall see.....i can " almost " see myself getting rid of these triggers if they instantly go in for the kill again ....
As it was,i added the last fish with only moon lighting and after i thought everyone was down for the night, luck
I drip acclimate for about an hour... until the bag is filled at least half with my water, usually more, then sit the bag in the tank to get up to temp for 15 minutes, then put fish in tank and throw out bag of water.
I've seen a guy section off part of his tank with egg crate so his established fish would get used to any new fish. This seemed to work for him but all your fish will have to be big enough not to fit through the crate. I'm scared to add anything because of my damsel. He tail whips new snails and even nipped my nassarius snails.

I feel worse for you Nemo. You got triggers man!
I've seen a guy section off part of his tank with egg crate so his established fish would get used to any new fish. This seemed to work for him but all your fish will have to be big enough not to fit through the crate. I'm scared to add anything because of my damsel. He tail whips new snails and even nipped my nassarius snails.

I feel worse for you Nemo. You got triggers man!

My last attempt at adding a fish.:grumble:
The reason I'm asking is because I'm thinking of adding a smaller ocellaris for my established clownfish. I don't want my damsel stressing the guy out. /sigh
I drip acclimate for about an hour... until the bag is filled at least half with my water, usually more, then sit the bag in the tank to get up to temp for 15 minutes, then put fish in tank and throw out bag of water.

this is what I do. I also feed all the fish together as soon as I put in the new fish, that way they are all distracted by the food lol. my fish are dumb like that ;) they then forget that there was even a new fish to begin with and they are all friends :)