Adding live rock?


Reefing newb
Ok so i have a good deal on a crate of LR thats being delivered to the store tonight. The LR is straight off the plane and being sold in 60lb crates for tonight only. What is the best way for me to introduce the rock to the tank? All at once or slowly over time. Right now the tank is only about 3 months old, with 15lbs of rock in it. Its a 70gal Cube with a 30 gal sump filter in it. The only think im really worried about is hurting my Snowflake Eel.
I might be wrong...I'm a bit of a newbie myself...but I've never had a problem adding any amount of live rock at any one time. Is it already cured?
Will start a mini cycle since I'm going to assume there is some die off on the rock, Add it slowly or cure it in buckets or tubs. Either way be cautious this will cause some fluctuations in your parameters.
All you'll need is a rubbermade tub from Walmart, an extra powerhead and an extra heater. Let it cure in the tub, separate from the tank, until your parameters are at zero.