addina a fish.


The Great Tang Herder
I would like to add a sweetlips to my reef tank, but i have read that they will eat small crustations ant snails. My question is that would that be like a 50 50 chance that he wqould eat my crustayion or is it a a 100% acccurite that he will. I have three fire shrimp and would hate to see them eatin. plus my clean up crew:question:
I think your tank is too small for one anyways, they grow up to three feet very quickly.

And they will eat pretty much everything in a reef tank except the corals. Shrimp, crabs, snails, starfish... They are not reef safe at all.
+1 Biff
When it comes to sweetlips,nothing in the tank is safe.Its not a matter of IF the inverts will get eat,its a matter of WHEN.
thanks for your input I was just wondering but had a felling that it wasnt a good idea. i wasnt going to put it in my 90 gallon tank anyways cause i did see that it does grow at a very rapid pace. I am just doing some research cause i do plan on getting a bigger tank very soon
Sadly joker, even biffy's bohemuth isnt enough for a sweetlips. They get up to 3 feet like biff said you'll need a much bigger rig if you are planning to keep that kind of stock. We're talking shark reef!