Add Sand?


Reefing newb
Hi All,
I have had my 90 gallon tank up for about a year. It is an aragonite sand base. All of my fishes are happy and healthy but I noticed that there is a corner of the tank where the sand is all cleared out. My clown fish has been sweeping and moving all the sand with his mouth out of the corner. My question is should I buy some more sand and fill in this corner or leave well enough alone? The empty spot does not bother me but I want to make sure that there is no danger to the fishes when there is no base in a section. I also don't want to shock the fishes by adding any additional sand? I know that you loose some sand over time but I am not sure what the process should be.
There's no danger, either way. If you do add more, I'd add dry sand. You can get a piece of large-diameter PVC (long enough to stick out the top of the tank), put the PVC in the tank, then shoot the sand down it in order to minimize dust.
You could go with Biffs suggestion.But I'd just leave it alone.The water flow will eventually push the sand back in place.