29gal stock


Reefing newb
how many and what kind of fish can you put in a 29gal??
It is the wife's tank and there are two clowns right now small cuc.
She talk to the LFS and they convinced her that a small yellow tang they called it a dwarf tang would be ok. I am thinking not please let us know what you guys think as I dont always trust the advise from the guy that makes money from selling fish as there is a no return policy.
Here the latest pic I have. It is from a couple weeks ago B4 clowns and cuc were added. the brown is all but gone
Uh oh. I hear the tang police pulling up in their car!


There's no such thing as a dwarf tang. Even the smallest tang out there needs at least 55 gallons -- it's more the 4 feet of swimming space they need. Tangs are pretty sensitive fish. They get stressed and sick very easily. And they require large tanks. A 29 gallon tank, unfortunately, is not large enough for any tang. Even a small one.

In a 29 gallon tank with 2 clowns already, you can fit in about 2 more fish. You are really restricted to about 1 fish per 10 gallons, give or take a fish.
Thank you. That is what I told her and maybe coming from a woman she will believe you.
Sarah, you been all over me today. Thanks for all the help.
I have a 29G with a Mandarin Dragonnette, a small to medium Purple firefish, a small Blue-green chromis and a Pajama Cardinal. Also a cleaner shrimp. My 'trates are at zero.
thanks for all the suggestions. We like the six line wrasse, we need to do a little research, than see if one is around. Would that than be all we would want to put in there, as we might also add some corals later
we have a good cover on the tank so we should be good except for feeding and wc. We have two firefish in our 90gal and so far no jumpers and hopefully they stay where their fins are wet.
In 3+ years i have never had an issue with mine jumping.They are very active and fun to watch.Give him lots of little nooks and crannies to zip in and out of.Good luck,alot of people say they are little devil fish,i have never had a single issue with mine though.
thanks for all the suggestions. We like the six line wrasse, we need to do a little research, than see if one is around. Would that than be all we would want to put in there, as we might also add some corals later

Six-lines are great but they will eat your shrimps. Do not add corals unless they can handle your levels of nitrates and phosphates without dieing.
As long as the six-line is the last fish you add,you shouldnt have any problems with aggression.
I had one for a little over 2 years and never had any problems with him.plus 99.9% of the ones I've seen come through the LFS have been pretty passive.Out of all the ones I've bagged up at the LFS,I've only heard of one that became a problem,but it only went after new fish that was added to the tank later.
:claphandsI think we are hooked on a six line as soon as we find one at the LFS we will have it. Thanks for all the help and helping convince my wife that a tang would not be a good idea. And for a bonus it looks like the wrase will be a bit cheaper