

Reefing newb
i know the pic sucks but what is this?


Am I seeing things or are those bulbs at the tips? Or is there just something really reflective on the rock showing through?
it's probably too much for them...do you have a tang or anything like that in there? I could see my yellow tang going to town on that stuff
my hermit has never really been an algae eater, he's more of a :pooh: and meat (snail, shrimp, whatever) eater. Maybe if you scrapped the algae on to the substrate they might be more inclined to eat it. They do seem to like to clean the sand; that's actually why I got my hermit, to eat the left over pellets that my fish wouldn't eat and then would end up on the sand. Not that you should feed your fish pellets or feed them more than they can eat :mrgreen:. You could try to get some margarita snails or another snail with similar or slightly larger shells than your crabs and watch them attack the snails :evil!?!?:; make 'em work for that food :fechten2:
my hermit has never really been an algae eater, he's more of a :pooh: and meat (snail, shrimp, whatever) eater. Maybe if you scrapped the algae on to the substrate they might be more inclined to eat it. They do seem to like to clean the sand; that's actually why I got my hermit, to eat the left over pellets that my fish wouldn't eat and then would end up on the sand. Not that you should feed your fish pellets or feed them more than they can eat :mrgreen:. You could try to get some margarita snails or another snail with similar or slightly larger shells than your crabs and watch them attack the snails :evil!?!?:; make 'em work for that food :fechten2:

im not getting anything, if they dont eat it then its down the toilet :pooh: :death:
sounds like a plan, and with that; they'll find something to eat...they're hermits...scavengers, they'll find something
thanx everyone, i dont have much of it, so ill go with manual removal for now. i dont have any turbo snails yet, maybe one a dem would find it a satisfying snack. :shock: :helm2: :bowdown: :question: :D :bounce:
actually i would think that you wouldnt want them to find it satisfying.. perhaps it would be better to hope that they find it to be like how i find chinese food, great while your eating it, but as soon as you stop, your hungry again.