120 Gallon Cube - Drilled Reef Tank

I have decided to upgrade my aquarium a little. Currently have a 55 gallon with a 10 gallon refuge. I have always wanted to get a 100+ gallon cube tank with LED lighting. Yesterday, I was searching in craigslist for random stuff and found a guy 5 minutes away selling a 120 gallon glass drilled cube with overflow and an oak wood hood. I clicked to view the details and it was exactly what I was looking for. He was president of the local reef club for several years and I verified him through some buddies of mine in the club. I contacted the guy and he wanted $75 for the tank! I was like REALLY, what is wrong with it. After a visually inspection, I found literally nothing wrong with the tank. It was in perfect condition, just needed cleaning. He then told me he had a LED fixture in his attic that he would sell to be also. He said the whole package would be $250. When I saw the LED fixture, I was floored. Here is the fixture he sold me with the cube tank for just $250.
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Ecoxotic-Panorama-System-Stand-Accessory/dp/B00345U2CO"]LED Fixture[/ame]
On top of all that, he through in two high quality PC fans for the hood if I wanted to add them. about $30 a piece. They were brand new.

I couldn't believe. I took the tank home and filled it with water to leak check and as of this morning nothing is leaking. Step 1 = complete!

Now it's on to building a stand and planning out my transition to the new tank. I will be replacing my 55 gallon with T5HO lights with this giant thing!

More to come in the coming days as this build proceeds! Wish me luck and if anyone has transferred a existing reef tank to larger tank which will be sitting in the same place the old, let me know if you have any good pointers:)

Here is a pic of the beast next to my ridding lawn mower for a sense of scale while I performed the water check.


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Almost got the plumbing complete. I fit a 30 gallon just barely underneath for the sump. The overflow is nice. One hole for in, one for out. I messed up gliding the PVC tonight, so I'll be back to the hardware store tomorrow. I'm taking my time with this upgrade, doing it right. No short cuts! It took three days to fill with RODI water..lol. Got the salt mixing in it now and will pump out when I am ready to make the move. I'm hoping for a move date or Tuesday or Wednesday. Stay tuned everyone!:bounce::^::bounce:....:mrgreen:


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Oh yeah, built that stand for 10 dollars from home depot. They have wood which they cut for customers, which they didn't want and it only cost a dollar each! I'll make it nicer looking later. Being only 2 foot tall, legs made from weather treated 4x4 beams, and over entire box of screws, I believe it will hold up pretty good.
Yap grabber is a must. Mine is 36" deep and it's already sitting on a 36" high base lol I'm using a ladder and a grabber to reach the bottom of mine. Still it's a pain when I want to do something haha
I was just researching the design of the drain pipe in the overflow like the one on this tank. Everyone I see has a downward facing intake for the water. What is the science behind this? Is it for noise? It's not like there is a siphon or anything. Also, would a air hole on the top of the pipe be useful if it was facing down?
Yesterday, I moved the system into the living room and pumped the salt water back into the tank. I start he transfer of the rocks, sand, coral, and fish tomorrow. Here's hoping there are no casualties.:x::x::x:


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Here are some pics of the tank. I know, my camera SUCKS with macro shots and indoors. I need to borrow my friends $1200 camera and take some good ones. Either way, here they are.

I traded my Bubble Tip Anemone and Porcelain crab in for a bi-color angle. I decided on this because it kept moving around the tank and I was concerned it would sting my corals. I know these are not the most reef save fish, but I have always loved them and I will keep a eye on him and make sure he's well fed.

In the move I lost one Emerald crab when the bloom of :pooh:CRAP:pooh: got stirred up while moving rocks. I literally watched him get hit by the "smoke" and fall over dead, never to move again. :death: It just proved to me that I was not stirring my sand enough. That stuff is deadly!

I also lost my very first coral I ever bought. He was a orange R. Mushroom. He fell off and got lost in the mix. Totally my fault.:frustrat:

Other than that, no other losses. I have noticed that my fish don't fight near as much. They have a lot more room now!


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