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  1. J

    Living rock?

    Kyle, the current crew is actually getting along very well, they've been tank mates for about seven moths, the only big concern was the two wrasses, but once the red coris got bigger, the six-line has just found someplace else to be. That is except for the four emerald crabs, no clue where they...
  2. J

    Living rock?

    Angie, I just KNEW someone was going to pin me down on the details! I have been trying to prepare for this inevitable question! I am trying to get and inventory of just what I have. I do know that my sand base is really a collage of different types, UNFORTUNATELY my only resource here in town is...
  3. J

    Living rock?

    Kyle, I feed with a mixture to try to cover all of the bases, just a bit of pellet, a tad more than that of flake, some frozen brine shrimp, and some shaved and chopped up food named "formula two" all soaked in a shot glass with R/O water to allow the frozen stuff to thaw and break apart well...
  4. J

    Living rock?

    Kyle, I have retaken over the feeding, and am now feeding a parsimonious amount every three days. I love my gal, but she just doesn't understand that if you feed every five minutes, they'll all eat like they haven't in months. So, yes, I do attribute a good portion of the continued problem to...
  5. J

    Living rock?

    So we have been battling this hair algae problem for almost a year now. It managed to pretty much coat the leaves of my caulerpa in the refugium and killed it off, living in a icy environment, I knew that I dared not even try to replace the plants, as we are stuck with mail order only...