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  1. A

    2 weeks 15G aquarium

    Hi, I am aware of the needed cycle, I know its not complete but we used active sand from a cycled tank and about 50% of the water too so the bacteria population it's already there. Before adding the fish the parameters were tested and they were ok, If they start acting weird I will definitely...
  2. A

    2 weeks 15G aquarium

    Yes its red and it sucks, the LFS is replacing the T5 bulb for a 50 50 white blue when they have it in stock. here is an other picture of the thing, i guess its not important but it looks creepy, kinda those gigantic worms from starwars hahaha..
  3. IMG_0334.jpg


  4. A

    2 weeks 15G aquarium

    By the way, i got 2 purple rounded things in a rock, ¿any idea what could they be? attaching pictures, although they are a bit blurry..
  5. things.jpg


  6. A

    2 weeks 15G aquarium

    Hello guys, I'm new to saltwater tanks, it is my first attempt and hopefully will succeed with this great community of experts and hobbyists. So this is my tank, these are my fishes saluting at you. Cheers...
  7. IMG_0328.jpg


  8. DGOBY.jpg


  9. CFISH.jpg

