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  1. D

    sick anemone? please help

    I just want to thank everybody for trying to help me with my anemone..... He did die on me, I was really upset, but the good thing is the rest of my tank was not affected by it. So far everything else has survived.
  2. D

    sick anemone? please help

    This is a picture of whole tank and what the anemone looked like before it shriveled up. The anemone hosts a porcelain crab.
  3. D

    sick anemone? please help

    Hi Salty B, The tank was set up for a couple of years before I brought it to my home. We reused most of the water (40 gallons) put new salt water in like we were doing a water change. I have had the tank for 2 months now. I just bought and added the nem about two weeks ago. I do a five...
  4. D

    sick anemone? please help

    I am new to saltwater fish. I have a -55 gallon, 10 gallon refugium, 10 gallon sump, protein skimmer, mag 7 pump,2 power heads, 2 atinic bulbs, 1 10k day and 1 12k day with slight pink tone. I bought the tank privately, it had been set up for a while. I have had it 2 months. There is...