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  1. C

    White stingy poop

    He does seem to be doing good otherwise. He's very active and swims all over the tank. He also hangs out in the current and seems to be catching copepods there.
  2. C

    White stingy poop

    We have also tried feeding him chopped up fresh scallop and he seems really interested at first but will spit it right back out. I also have to break up the pellets or else he spits them back out too. He did the same thing will the brine shrimp the first time we tried feeding him that. Don't...
  3. C

    White stingy poop

    Thank you. Will this medication hurt anything else in my tank? Ex. hermit crabs or shrimp? I don't have any corals yet.
  4. C

    White stingy poop

    Purchased an ocellaris clown from my LFS 5 days ago. Today I saw a white stringy 1/2inche thing hanging from his underbelly for about a minute before it fell off. He's been eating about 4 large pellets a day, wont eat any of the brine shrimp or other types of pellets i offer him. I don't...