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  1. T

    fish question

    from what ive read those seem to be agressive fish?
  2. T

    fish question

    ok, i had 2 damsels in my tank right after it cycled.. well needless to say i got rid of those mean little suckers.:grumble:.. they had my cleaner shrimp hidden all day cause they would pick at it. my scooter blenny feared for his life:shock:! ok i am wanting to make my tank a fish / coral...
  3. T

    can someone identify this for me?

    you guys are so freakin right! i cleaned the rock out 2 days ago hoping i got it. but i checked this morning and i see 3 tiny little ones!!!!!! omw to the fish store when im done typing to get some pepperment shrimp. :)
  4. T

    can someone identify this for me?

    are you serious :O then what can i do to prevent it from coming back for good?
  5. T

    can someone identify this for me?

    i took that peice of live rock out and scraped him off of it. i didnt see any small fragments of it fall into the water or anything. so do you guys tihnk that would be enough?
  6. T

    can someone identify this for me?

    nvm, ive read some things about them. yes i am taking care of it asap!
  7. T

    can someone identify this for me?

    so i need to get rid of it? :( lol i just want to see something living in my tank! staring at live rock right now isnt very fun, but im waiting for the tank to cycle. so what exactly does it do? and its weird its not attached to the rock it moves around alot.
  8. T

    can someone identify this for me?

    hello, i got some live rock from a buddy today and i got a hitchiker. i was wondering if someone could tell me what this is? my tank is going through its cycle right now i hope it lives. any help would be appreciated