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  1. T

    Tank issues

    ah, and we have 2 water pumps in the tank, one on each side. Had a thermometer, I guess I need a new one as I realize I don't see it any longer. whats the best temp and does anyone suggest a chiller? They seem to be pretty expensive.
  2. T

    Tank issues

    I hope I am doing this the right way.. In answer to all the question. Not sure what lights we have. Bought the whole set up off a referal from our fish guy. 110 gallon on to[, guessing maybe a 50gal sump on bottom. has protein skimmer, filter and some kind of UV light, fish guy said we didn't...
  3. T

    Tank issues

    We are having problems with our tank. Our fish are fine, 3 clown, 1 foxface, not sure the name of the other 2. We had numerous coral and an anenome all of which died. Have gotten on a better schedule of cleaning the tank about evry two weeks but have to add fresh water about every week. Salinity...