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  1. C

    help idenitfying this

    Yea after looking closer ,i think they are star polys. Thanks I see the stalks now i have had mostly fish only before kinda of newbie to the corals
  2. C

    help idenitfying this

    Thanks for the thoughts, This thing has no stalks per say its more like a crust on the live rock ,see photo this is it when it is now bloosomed out .the lighter white specs are where there hair will come from
  3. coral3.jpg


  4. C

    help idenitfying this

    i got this rock from someone shutting down there tank and i am not sure what this is, At night the hair for lack of a better word goes in a then it is just a brown crust on the rock .. Thanks
  5. Picture 014.jpg

    Picture 014.jpg
