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    +1 that sounds like a recipe for major problems later
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    super glue gel

    Really? I've used super glue gel tons of times, and I've never once had a problem with it. There were times I super glued frags to rocks, and they were happy with all polyps extended within minutes. Perhaps certain corals are more affected?
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    aquaclear refugium??

    I madea little "pod pile" in my 38 gallon; I went to fish stores and asked to buy the larger bits of rubble from the bottom of their live rock bins, most sold it at a highly reduced rate too, since they saw it as my cleaning the bottom scraps out of their bins. I just grabbed anything from...
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    Is this worth it?

    Skip the skimmer, don't skip water changes. Good to go!
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    New Duncan and Zoathids - and they opened!

    Very nice, good find!
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    6.6 gal. Home made

    Nice work, that looks awesome. :bounce:
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    Redneck engineering

    Oh my god... :shock: Seriously? That's not a joke?
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    Quiet skimmer for 38 gallon?

    I have a D&D Typhoon, and it sounds pretty much just like the name :shock: I need something that is almost silent (or as close to it as possible) that will easily handle a 38 gallon mixed reef. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! :mrgreen:
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    Marine snow?

    I've heard that it can mess with your water quality as well... :twocents:
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    Carbon question (searched w/ no luck...)

    Yep, that should be fine, I do that all the time.
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    is my feather duster dead?

    I've had a couple feather dusters toss their plumes... one took 3 months to come back, I thought for sure he was dead. If you're not too squeamish... reach in there and grab the tube (lightly) and pick him up a little bit... you should feel the worm moving around inside. :shock: Warning...
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    OK here are the pics i promised... me at 5months..

    WOW! That was in only 5 months? Nice work, the tank is looking great!
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    More on Skimmers.

    I would definitely dump one of the filters in favor of a skimmer... after adding a skimmer to my tank, the filter hardly gets dirty at all... but the skimmer pulls some seriously nasty junk out of the water. And of course, I don't have to buy filter media for the skimmer, so it saves me money...
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    anyone been stung by a lionfish?

    Now THAT is love and devotion! That's one lucky lionfish!