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  1. S

    Dying Boxfish!

    HELP! I bought a spiny boxfish on Monday, and it wasnt eating until yesterday (we finally found the right food, which turned out to be freeze-dried krill). It was doing fine and showed no signs of illness until this morning, when I found it wedged between some rocks in the back of the tank. I...
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    Dwarf Angels

    Hey guys, would anyone be able to tell me if there are any types of dwarf angels that I can have more than 1 of in a 75 g tank?
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    how many coral beauty's in 75?

    Me again, I've decided I am going for a fowlr tank and really liking coral beauty's. How many can I keep in a 75 gallon w/ sump? Also, could I keep a serpant starfish in there too?
  4. S

    Hey Guys!

    Cool guys, that helps A LOT! Maybe I'll stay away from the goatfish and hawkfish, lol, I've been dying for clown fish for a long time now -- and not because I saw them in that movie. I am going for a 30 g refugium, it's in the works now, but we'll see what ends up in it. I'm also really looking...
  5. S

    Hey Guys!

    Cool, thanks for the info! If I was to go with a fish-only tank, is it possible to put an anemone or two in there, or is that considered a reef tank? Also, are anemones harmful to certain fish? I'm really considering clowns, goatfish, blennies, and maybe angels at this point, not to say there...
  6. S

    Hey Guys!

    Hello everyone, I've had several successful fresh water tanks in the past, so I have some fish experience, but I am a complete noob when it comes to salt water tanks....which it just so happens I am trying to establish. I have a 75 g tank that is almost ready for fish, and I was hoping for some...