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  1. brandon429

    Reefbowl started 2006 updates 1 gallon

    I had absolutely no idea Leonard had linked that up thank you for pointing that out I would have missed it lol All off the ugly brown sps bowl yay thats awesome. Thanks for stopping in anyone know how to kill off red mushrooms? seriously its got me beat. I ve tried fire blasting them, they...
  2. brandon429

    Reefbowl started 2006 updates 1 gallon

    Two more shots before the blue sps contacted the glass then 2yrs later
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  6. brandon429

    Reefbowl started 2006 updates 1 gallon

    14 genera of coral another year on the books: Reefbowl '13 - YouTube
  7. brandon429

    Progress on Red Turf Algae

    First ever picture of 600x magnification of green turf algae treated with peroxide Proof it kills reproductive units too The sporangia featured here on the before pics are now toasted and bleached and lysed GHA Problems - Bkdwebb's Photos
  8. brandon429

    Progress on Red Turf Algae

    Before and after pics External spot treatment with peroxide From poster Patrick Cox from rc
  9. i-LtNNxfT-L.jpg


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  11. brandon429

    Progress on Red Turf Algae

    I never knew stop aiptasia worked for it that's neat. Since this species of algae is an obligate hitchhiker, once you kill the entire mass out of the rockwork it can't come back. But i agree its got nasty holdfasts and will regrow until all mass can be eradicated I got it all out of my tank...
  12. brandon429

    Progress on Red Turf Algae

    yes it got my first reef too. too bad we didn't know about peroxide back then, its a literal cure for all red algae variants even invasive macro algae. It is not possible to have red brush algae problems any longer now that we know the cure, its too simple to beat, its not even a thought any...
  13. brandon429

    2010 pico contest!

    No prob just thought Id start where everyone has their trackbacks set up, maybe we'd get more actual feedback from contestants. o well worth a try!
  14. brandon429

    2010 pico contest!

    This could be a very helpful thread to outline the differences in pico reef biology and full tank biology, there are indeed differences. To start Id like to know whos tanks are still up and running from this 2 year old contest, its likely none of them are. But if there are 1 or 4 left, it...
  15. brandon429

    35% peroxide applied in the pico reef

    :) yes but thats not meant to be a distraction to the awesome power of h202 lol. did you see that sps plated inside the neck lol, makes me wish Id planted tyree purple or something I didn't know it would work that well. also, the red mushroom treated did not die, who would have thought some...
  16. brandon429

    35% peroxide applied in the pico reef

    its also helpful in scaling the approach to larger tanks, if this tiny pico can take this much 35% the larger tanks you guys have should have no trouble with an equal 3% dosage run on the rocks or glass...
  17. brandon429

    35% peroxide applied in the pico reef

    35% Peroxide Treatment in the Pico Reef - YouTube made a new video to show application of this strong oxidizer in a very small, very old reef tank with mixed lps/sps most treaters won't use 35%, I did it to show advanced methodology in treating green calcareous algae on the glass, its a...
  18. brandon429

    green algae on frags

    Smitty its very neat that peroxide isnt just a fad that will come and go. At any time if we want algae taken off substrate X it will do it unquestionably. Now the most interesting frontier imo is whether or not some strains will develop a resistance to it. none have so far, and its been used...
  19. brandon429

    green algae on frags

    lift out frags. use a q tip dipped in 3% hydrogen peroxide to dab it on carefully around the base of the frag, right on the target algae. let sit after dabbing outside for one minute, rinse frag, place back in tank. algae will die in 24 hours regardless of your water params. It may or may not...
  20. brandon429

    Progress on Red Turf Algae

    very rarely have I seen invaders on the polyp itself, they are usually encrusted up around the base, and those areas can be treated depending on the frag/mount etc I think all peroxide dosings should be customized based on pictures and preparation before treatment.