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  1. J

    sc 65 protein skimmer WOW

    mine says sc50 instead of sc60 maybe a prototype?
  2. J

    sc 65 protein skimmer WOW

    I bought this protein skimmer :bowdown: Im just amazed how it works they are dirt cheap in ebay 75 shipped got mine for 40 bucks :bounce: Model# SC-65 This skimmer is designed to work for salt water tanks up to 65 Gallons of salt water. Removable cup for convenient cleaning and maintenance...
  3. J

    protein skimmers for nano tanks?

    just bought one works great!
  4. J

    55 gallon tank 10 gallon sump + some mods

    made some changes to my aquarium bought a sc 65 protein skimmer they work great and are dirt cheap made a over flow box with a CD case my sump only fills 1 inch if power fails instead of 3 inches
  5. J

    sump and canister

    hey guys I have a canister filter sitting around 205 fluval do you think that it would be wise to hook it in my 55 gallon aquarium without filtration? just for the extra water movement? have a 10 gallon sump in my system
  6. J

    55 gallon tank 10 gallon sump + some mods

    link is working! CLOWN FISH - YouTube
  7. J

    55 gallon tank 10 gallon sump + some mods

    didnt have space in my office, fits perfect in the stand for a 55 gallon I think its enough but I could be wrong :S also bad planing was going to use a canister filter so I "need" the side space but Im gonna put a chiller in there :)
  8. J

    55 gallon tank 10 gallon sump + some mods

    CLOWN FISH - YouTube
  9. J

    Help with clown fish!

    going to upload in this link CLOWN FISH - YouTube
  10. J

    Help with clown fish!

    they are out! FINALLY!!! :) they were swimming on their belly
  11. J

    Help with clown fish!

    :frustrat: yesterday I brought 2 clown fishes I let the water temperature regulate put in small dose my water untill it fillet all the bag since thaat day they been on the bottom and they swim slow in the bottom the salinity on their bag was lower compared to mine do I need...
  12. J

    55 gallon tank 10 gallon sump + some mods

    Well this is my set up 55 gallon saltwater aquarium - YouTube 55 gallon tank GLO 48 inch doubleT5 light I drilled the back for a 3/4 pvc pipe with elbows as overflow on the back I put a T pvc to let air in this stoped the draining noise to 0 10 gallon sump...
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  14. J


    just added a video it was recently revamped
  15. J


    Well this is my set up 55 gallon tank GLO 48 inch doubleT5 light I drilled the back for a 3/4 pvc pipe with elbows as overflow on the back I put a T pvc to let air in this stoped the draining...
  16. J


    hello lol