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  1. C

    Nothing growing: Guidance needed.

    Tank about 9 months most corals 4-6 months
  2. C

    Nothing growing: Guidance needed.

    I have had different corals in my tank for sometime, everything seems to be healthy and vibrant but nothing is growing or expanding. I have some zoas, xenia, an open brain (which epands nicely and is super vibrant green) When I purchased these frags I implanted them in crevaces and or holes...
  3. C

    CPR - cs50 Overflow WANTED

    wanted: CPR - cs50 Overflow.. also would like pick up pump with that. new or used give me a great price and consider it sold.
  4. C

    question on CPR BakPak2R unit

    Thanx for your reply. much appreciated.
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    question on CPR BakPak2R unit

    Im getting a sweet deal on a CPR BakPak2R the reef version The thing is I need a non reef version. Could I still us some bio filter with it and get away with this unit on my Fish and liverock 30 gallon?
  6. C

    Wanted : CPR BakPak 2

    Looking for a used BakPak 2 let me know what you have. Ps. pictures go a long way. [email protected]
  7. C

    wanted: MH leg mounted 30" canopy light

    point taken.
  8. C

    wanted: MH leg mounted 30" canopy light

    I'm looking to upgrade from Pc lighting to Metal Halides, I came into some corals and need to ugrade ASAP. I have a 29g 30" wide tank. Im looking for a leg mount unit with Metal halides, Actinic, moonlights. please keep in mind that funds are tight. Pics go a long way. Thanx.
  9. C

    Phosphate problem or passing algae phase?

    I know what your feeling. I had a red hair clam, and one day I find my sponge crab standing on top and reaching in and taking chunks out of the clam. The clam and the crab are no longer with us.
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    Phosphate problem or passing algae phase?

    Bobby, Got any pics of that conch ? You have a 30 gallon correct ?
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    Phosphate problem or passing algae phase?

    I noticed that as soon as I feed my fish. Its like night of the living dead. they pop up out of the sand. pretty cool !!
  12. C

    Phosphate problem or passing algae phase?

    Picked up 5 more Nassarius snails to try to keep floor bed stirred up.
  13. C

    Phosphate problem or passing algae phase?

    Thanks for you reply. Much appreciated.
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    Phosphate problem or passing algae phase?

    dont mean to hijack , but I have this stuff growing in my 30g. Recently started adding coral and switched to a wet/dry. I was thinking about backing down my light time by 30 minutes will this help?
  15. C

    New lights and im going to start adding corals. need advice.

    newbeemike - I appreciate your responce no matter the length.I have a 30 gallon, I may run a similar time but back it off a bit to stay away from major algae growth. Ive yet to pick up some corals but will be soon.
  16. C

    New lights and im going to start adding corals. need advice.

    I received my new PC light setup and soon Ill be shopping for low to medium light Corrals. Ill have to use this light until I can afford a T5 setup. Im sure that these corals will need certain amounts of light/dark intervals please guide me in the right directions as far as setting up my...
  17. C

    Newb with crazy ??:

    Yes it was in the morning. Funny I did a 2 gallon water change 2 days ago.
  18. C

    Newb with crazy ??:

    Did some water testing today. Water is nice and clear 75dg. Ammonia - o ppm Nitrite - 0 ppm Nitrate - 20 ppm Salinity - 28.5 / 1.021 PH - 7.8 what do you guys think.. Happy Thanksgiving.. Gobble gobble Thanx.
  19. C

    Newb with crazy ??:

    Did some water testing today. Water is nice and clear 75dg. Ammonia - o ppm Nitrite - 0 ppm Nitrate - 0 ppm Salinity - 31 / 1.023 PH - 8.2 Thanx.
  20. C

    Newb with crazy ??:

    The tank is doing great I'll be doing my testing later today. I just have to work on my Honey-do-list.