Light Height Advice


Reefing newb
Hello All. I am fighting some red algae and needed a little advice on my lights. I have 2 LED fixtures above the tank. When I started experiencing this problem I moved them up to about 20" above the lids. I hoped this would help. It hasn't.

Water parameters are all within the recommended levels. I am trying to do more and more water changes. Currently for the last month I have been doing 15 percent weekly. I have also watched to not over feed. The rocks in the picture were just put in 2 days ago. (I had them out for over a year after a bubble algae takeover)

Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you!


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I apologize I wasn't very clear on my original question. If I am fighting red algae, should I have my lights lower or higher away from the glass lids? Also should I turn the intensity down?

Thank you
I am honestly not worried about the lights.
What is your flow like? How many and what kind.

Cyanobacteria is not an algae it is a bacteria. How old is this tank? From the picture it looks like a fairly recent set up.

There are options out there that work and I'll try to help.
I have 3 Hydor Koralia's. 2x1400 1x1050

The tank is right around 2 years old. I removed EVERYTHING for about 8-12 months previously to "start over" after neglect. Has been running for 2 years however with 2 clown fish living in it.

It is a 75gallon setup. Any suggestions on wear to place the koralias? I seem to always get a dead spot or two towards the back of the tank.

Thank you for the response.
You have plenty of flow.

If your phosphates are in check I would look into red slime stain remover. It works flawlessly.
No w/c and keep everything on. The protein skimmer goes nuts but I took the cup off and left it run. No issues with corals, fish, or inverts. I have a huge hydno that did slime for a little while.
You have plenty of flow.

If your phosphates are in check I would look into red slime stain remover. It works flawlessly.
No w/c and keep everything on. The protein skimmer goes nuts but I took the cup off and left it run. No issues with corals, fish, or inverts. I have a huge hydno that did slime for a little while.
I will try this!! Thank you!
Possibly lower the power heads to 2/3rd tank height. Face them angled towards surface. Your rock work is very low in the tank, it may not work as well as the idea in my head.
Possibly lower the power heads to 2/3rd tank height. Face them angled towards surface. Your rock work is very low in the tank, it may not work as well as the idea in my head.
Thank you for the response. I have about 3 times the rock outside the tank currently. I am cleaning and drying it out from a bubble algae problem. Once the tank is stable again I will add the other rocks back in.
It's probably too late to respond to your question but, I had the same issue and all I did was scoop it all out as good as I could and I did a water change. I don't know which of them did it for me but I never saw it again!