I recently purchased 2 maxima clams. After acclimating, I placed them both on the substrate (Aragonite Live--fine).
My tank is 29" high, and is lit by 3 Ecotech Radion XR15's that come on around 1:00 PM and shut-off around 11:30 PM. They start off at blue and gradually work there way up to full blast in all colors around 2:00 until 10:00 when they start getting darker/bluer until they shut-off altogether around 11:00 PM.
As they are on the substrate, there is what understand to be good flow for them.
My concern is that they are not opening much -- they're always not even 1/2 opened. I believe they are stressed, but I don't know why.
Do you have any suggestions? Should i cut back on the light? Move them higher than on the substrate?
Thank you.
My tank is 29" high, and is lit by 3 Ecotech Radion XR15's that come on around 1:00 PM and shut-off around 11:30 PM. They start off at blue and gradually work there way up to full blast in all colors around 2:00 until 10:00 when they start getting darker/bluer until they shut-off altogether around 11:00 PM.
As they are on the substrate, there is what understand to be good flow for them.
My concern is that they are not opening much -- they're always not even 1/2 opened. I believe they are stressed, but I don't know why.
Do you have any suggestions? Should i cut back on the light? Move them higher than on the substrate?
Thank you.