bicolor pseudochromis NOT REEF SAFE!


Reefing newb
So for several months, I've had this bicolor pseudochromis is my reef. Up until the last few weeks, it's eaten my pom pom crabs, emerald crabs, baby pistol shrimp, coral, hermit crabs, starfish and has murdered my blenny. Don't mistake these for royal grammas though. They look almost identical,


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you have a dottyback, almost a dottybacks are rotten little buggers. the royal gramma colours and pattern are the same but they have a black stripe through the eye and a black spot on the dorsal fin. they are reef safe. i have tryed the orchid dottybsck twice, first one never came out and starved to death. 2nd one went around and got all my coral crabs and ate one of the cleaner shrimp. and they are supposed to be reef safe. this guy sure wasnt. the one you have is known for being nasty
I would NEVER, EVER put a dottyback in ANY tank I own other than to sell it. I was hoping that the CB ones wouldn't have the asshole attitude of their wild counterparts, but they're bastards too.