new coral care


Reefing newb
what kind of coral? location,depth, plz


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I am viewing on my phone but it looks like a trumpet or candy cane coral to me. What kind of lighting do you have? Depending on your lighting low to middle on depth and medium flow should be good.
Definitely light acclimate your coral to your lights so you don't burn it up. Start the coral off really low and keep an eye on it for it bleaching. If it continues to do well you can move it up a little at a time.
ok another question just noticed this black slug looking thing that seems to be moving around on stems of new coral? any ideas what it is?


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hey steve, i just got about 30lbs of half dead LR today. its got old dead corals and tube worms all over it. how can i make it safe to put in my tank. any ideas?