Maze brain/platygyra


Northern Reefer
I have had this frag now for a week and today noticed some of the flesh coming it bleaching or did it get injured?

it seems like the right side of it is slowly deteriorating...I had it in the lower half of my tank and my AI Sol is still under coral acclimation, the light is 10inches off at 36 white, 43 blue and 44 deep blue

I did move it to a shaded spot on the sandbed, any suggestions??

SG 1.025
temp 79
ph 8.0
alk 9.0
cal 450
mag 1280
nitrates 0
phosphates reading zero but still have some diatoms on the sandbed


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it looks the same as yesterday but it does seem to be flaking off...this does kind of sound like RTN, no other corals are showing signs

what should I do with it
I don't know but IME leave it be every time I've tried to dip or treat a coral with RTN it would just up and die. But I've had good luck bringing surviving tissue back to health. Honestly the less I mess with stuff the better it does.
I only saw the starfish on it but just a tentacle...he doesnt mess with any coral though, most of the time hangs out in the back chambers
the starfish keeps going on it...not sure if he is eating it or realizes it's dying so it's cleaning up?

he doesn't touch any other coral

There was some white film on the part that was falling off