My 46g Bow Front Tank by Sakura2282

GSP Update.

My GSP has recovered after my emerald crab decided it was its new favorite food. It has grown back again in all the parts the crab ate. I'm very happy that it's OK now. It was closed for almost a month.

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Yep it is growing more heads:)
That means it's happy. I'm so glad to see it growing more heads is so exciting! :)

Be careful with GSP it grow all over everything if you don't keep it isolated;)
Yeah, now I know that. It was my first coral so I found out it could be a problem after it was already attached to one of my favorite rocks lol. I'm thinking in splitting the rock in two so it can grow freely on one half. Then, I can use the other have to grow other corals. This coral and buying my dottyback as my first fish were my two rookie mistakes :oops:. Good thing that now I know better. ;)
That means it's happy. I'm so glad to see it growing more heads is so exciting! :)

Yeah, now I know that. It was my first coral so I found out it could be a problem after it was already attached to one of my favorite rocks lol. I'm thinking in splitting the rock in two so it can grow freely on one half. Then, I can use the other have to grow other corals. This coral and buying my dottyback as my first fish were my two rookie mistakes :oops:. Good thing that now I know better. ;)
I wish I could claim only two rookie mistakes:D
Skimmer Update.

We can say now that the skimmer is definitely skimming a lot waste from my tank. Hope this gonna help me with my HA problem. I believe I have a long way to go with it though.

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New Additions.

So I went to my LFS today looking for that Diamond Goby I wanted to add to my tank and I was lucky. They had one so I took the chance and bought him. They also had a Lawnmower Blenny and I bought him too. Now, I have both fish in my tank and as you already know my Dottyback is jealous. The clowns don't care about the new additions, but Rusty is crazy about them. The blenny have taken home in the rock that I have in the middle of the tank which is good because Rusty has his home in other rock and he really doesn't pay attention to the crevices this one has.

By the other hand, the goby is making sand storms around the tank. Rusty was bothering him at the beginning, but he didn't let Rusty intimidate him. He open his mouth very big any time Rusty come closer to him and he always back off and swims away. Rusty is most worried about the Blenny on the rock, but he will get use to both of them. At least that's what I hope. Rusty always has a crisis when I add new fish to the tank. But, I know that at the end he likes the company.

Wish me luck.

Some pictures, I apologize for the awful quality.

Diamond Watchman Goby
2014-02-10 17.09.32.webp

Lawnmower/Salfin/Algae Blenny
2014-02-10 17.08.38.webp

Notes: The Blenny is bigger than the goby but smaller than my dottyback. The blenny I'll say is 2 1/5 inches and the goby is just 2 inches. My dotty back is almost 3 inches big I guess.
Good Luck! I'm sure it will be fine. I hope you have a good lid / hood on your tank that diamond will try to jump. The sand storm will calm down in a day or two and he will find a spot he likes. Keep a close eye on the amount of pods in your tank the diamond will hunt them all day also watch him for signs of not eating (sunk in stomach) you may have to add pods from time to time.
Nice additions! I had a lawnmower blenny once he was a bigtime bully to my redbanded goby.had to get rid of him every fish is different though. Hope it all works out though.they are both reallly cool fish.:)
Good Luck! I'm sure it will be fine. I hope you have a good lid / hood on your tank that diamond will try to jump. The sand storm will calm down in a day or two and he will find a spot he likes. Keep a close eye on the amount of pods in your tank the diamond will hunt them all day also watch him for signs of not eating (sunk in stomach) you may have to add pods from time to time.
Thanks for the advice. ;)
Fish Death. :cry::cry::cry:

I've been sad all day because this morning I found my female clown laying on the floor. Then, I remembered what @Aquarian told me about the diamond goby and I when to check on him and he was missing too. I found him lying on the floor behind my tank. I believe he couldn't die alone so he took my female clown with him on the jump to see the outside world. She liked to sleep at the top of the tank, so I think she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now I'm back to three fish my male clown, my dottyback and the blenny that I just saw hiding in ones of the rocks.

PD: The blenny and Rusty are fighting, but they are the same size so will see how that goes. Apparently the blenny is not going to let Rusty intimidate him easily.

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Oh NO!!!!!! dude I am so sorry, that is heartbreaking...I have been so lucky with my gobies and they have never tried that, thinking I need to put my screen back on