A little algae help


Reefing newb
I currently have a well established 29 gal nano cube. My water tests are right on I do water changes every 2 weeks 12gal. My livestock is scooter Benny, 2 clowns, 2green chromis, 1blue spotted puffer and cleaning crew and emerald crab. I feed once a day. I keep getting red algae growing and don't know why I remove when I do water changes. Does anybody know why I keep getting this and how to fix it? I have used chemi clean before. Thanks


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Cyano algae is caused from excess nutrients and/or too little flow. What I would do, is decrease feedings to every other day, and increase water changes to once a week until it is gone. Try to remove as much of the cyano as possible every water change. It will take some time, but be diligent and it will go away. Good luck.
So dropping the feeding down to every other day will be ok. Do I need to put more food than usual when I do feed since I'm skipping a day?
No, if you feed more food less often you can cause more problems or there will be no change. Feed the same just skip a day, in the wild most fish do not eat every day. They have to hunt and scavenge for food so missing a day will not hurt them.

Where are you getting your water, and what are you using for water?