Black Strip

Banana Man

Reefing newb

I have a Powder Blue Tang for about 10 days. It seemed to be doing well, not stressed and eating loads. Its a 110 Gallon tank with only 2 other Juvenile Clowns. Today i noticed a darkish strip starting to develop near the tail on one side. Anyone know what this might be?


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I havent got any nem's. That's just a Torch Coral. I did think it could be a scratch off a rock but i dont know if its common for fish to do this?
No, its a small one near the back of about half an inch. 2 days on it hasnt got any worse and he seems fine so hopefully its nothing to worry about.
So the Tang died last night :( I had noticed a couple more bumps over the last couple of days. They looked darkish at first but then more white so maybe it was white spot. I so bummed, i love the Powder Blue Tang's but from what i have heard since buying is that they are very hard to keep well.