Bruise on damsel fish?


Reefing newb
Got home and noticed half my yellow tails face is turning black...Anyone know what could be wrong?
Have you checked your water parameters recently? Do you have corals or anemones maybe it was stung but either a coral or an anemone? Hope you can find what happened to him.
Have you checked your water parameters recently? Do you have corals or anemones maybe it was stung but either a coral or an anemone? Hope you can find what happened to him.
I did water tests yesterday. Everything was spot on. I added frogspawn and a cleaner shrimp last week. Hopefully he will be ok I have had him for 2 plus years. I will re check the water tomorrow and make sure nothing has changed. Thanks for the reply!
Did water tests over the weekend. Nitrates for some reason had spiked. Did a water change and checked them this morning. Back to normal. And the brusing around his face is going back to the normal blue color! Went to my local LFS over the weekend and when I got live rock from them I had 2 Urchhin hitchikers. And they thought maybe one might have stung him. So hopefully he will stay away from them or maybe it was the nitrate spike! Thanks again for your help!
Did water tests over the weekend. Nitrates for some reason had spiked. Did a water change and checked them this morning. Back to normal. And the brusing around his face is going back to the normal blue color! Went to my local LFS over the weekend and when I got live rock from them I had 2 Urchhin hitchikers. And they thought maybe one might have stung him. So hopefully he will stay away from them or maybe it was the nitrate spike! Thanks again for your help!
I'm glad your fish is better now. :)