Zoas not opening


Northern Reefer
I purchased two polyp rocks off of Divers Den last week, they arrived Thursday and I dripped them for 1 hour...checked temp and salinity before I added them

I turned the lights off for several hours and have had them dimmed for 4 since Thursday...my GSP and combo rock open everyday and look great but this other green bay packer colony won't open at all??? they are on the same level as my other polyp rock in reference to lighting

water parameters: 1.025 salinity, 79 temp, Ammonia: 0, Nitrite: 0, Nitrate: under 2ppm, Phosphate: 0, Calcium: 440

I have a reefbreeders photon 24 fixture and it's about 11 inches from the top of the tank, max peak is 65%
This is the rock, notice how small the heads are...they don't seem to be reaching for light, I just dipped them for 6 minutes in my coral dip and placed them in a lower light area with better flow


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Your water parameters are very good, and five days is a long time they should be open by now. Maybe they just need more time. Hope they open up soon Marinne.
Five days aren't any surprise for zoas, they can take a few days to weeks to open back up. Some can open in minutes too but it all depends. Just keep an eye open for them. I'm sure they will open up shortly.
Zoas are super easy to care for. You don't need to drip acclimate them. When you buy new ones, float them in the tank for about 30 minutes. Take them out and dip them in Lugols or any other iodine based coral dip for about 5 minutes. After that place them in your tank on the sand bed with medium low flow. They can take some time to open depending on where they came from and what light they were under. You don't need to adjust your lights to them, instead, adjust them to your lights as you would any other coral.
I did all that and acclimated them like I normally do to have warranty through LiveAquaria

I know they are easy and did dip them
No algae, I have them in a low flow area close to the sandbed

Look like they are turning brown, phosphates are zero and no algae
Nope...they are melting away

I'm really sorry Marinne. I thought they would be fine. You bought them on LA right, so I guess you can get your money back or replace the ones you are loosing. I wonder what happened to them, do you think it could be related with the shipping? maybe it was too tough on them.
yeah I did, there are only about 6 heads that open...I have tried 3 different tank locations and nothing seems to make them happy

I will get a refund from LA...the UPS man set my package upside down when he delivered it so all of that bags were leaking through the top, each one lost about 30% of it's water
yeah I did, there are only about 6 heads that open...I have tried 3 different tank locations and nothing seems to make them happy

I will get a refund from LA...the UPS man set my package upside down when he delivered it so all of that bags were leaking through the top, each one lost about 30% of it's water

I knew you will do your best for them, but the fact that they were upside down and leaking makes me sure that the problem was there since the beginning, UPS drivers should be more careful. I'm glad that they are gonna give you a refund. :)