Dead or Alive


Reefing newb
Good Morning,

As some of you know, I added an BTA to my tank a few months ago. It did well for a few weeks and then suddenly became a bleached mess.

I followed recommendations and for a while, it seemed to be bouncing back a tiny bit. Now, it looks like this (see photo).

The question is this; what do I do with it? I don't believe it is dead; it is still anchored to the rock. But it has gotten worse as you can see by comparison to earlier pictures.

Everything else in the tank appears to be doing well; coral is growing, fish are eating, water is crystal clear.

Water parameters:

Temp: 75.4 and steady.
SG: 1.026
pH: 8.2
Amonia: 0
Nitrates: 5


Thank you in advance.



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When was the last time you saw it inflated?

I checked on it this morning and it has inflated some...

Since I posted this message, it has moved to a different area of the tank and has re anchored to another rock. I'm guessing it is still alive. LOL

For me, the important question now becomes: How do I avoid leaving it in the tank too long? I want to give it every chance, but I don't want it to die and contaminate the tank either.
It'll let go of the rock, then it'll start to disintegrate. Also be wary if it anchors itself underneath or behind your rocks.
I'm guessing that this is bad because if it dies, I won't know it or be able to get to it? Is this correct?

It appears to be well anchored to a different rock; one where there is greater water current.
Your temp seems on the low side to me. Do you keep it at 75 for a specific reason? If not, then I'd recommend bumping it up slowly until you reach 78-80. This might be one reason why your anemone isn't as happy. Good luck!
I used to keep it around 71. Then, on the recommendation of several people here, I brought the temp up to 78 for about 2-3 weeks without any improvement.

I went to the LFS where I purchased the BTA. The water temperature there when I checked was 75.1, so I reduced the temp thinking it may be a bit too warm. I monitored the BTA for over two weeks before I purchased it and it was THRIVING.

I just don't know.... very discouraging. I feel like my reef tank isn't complete without a BTA or two. But, if I can't keep one successfully...

Wish I cold figure this out.
75 seems really cold, I agree with needs to be in the 78 degree range

anemones are Very sensitive to condition changes and sometimes they just aren't happy
"+1" .... I'm not sure what means.

Tank temp is up to 78 and holding steady. BTA has relocated to area where there is much more water flow and light.
"+1" means the person agrees with earlier comments.

Glad to hear it has relocated itself. Keeping the temp up should help things but it might take weeks to months to recover its color. I think relocating itself it a very good sign!
I wanted to post these pictures of the BTA. It has relocated to a deeper location in the
tank. There is also greater water flow and more direct lighting.



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What I haven't noticed in this thread is any mention of type and amount of lighting. Nems need strong lighting to survive. If this has been mentioned elsewhere on the forum, I apologize for missing it.
+1 on light. I personally would lean towards a bacteria infection. If its moving, its not happy. Ive never seen a nem ball up like that? Usually i plop them in and they stay where i put them. If they move for me usually means its a "sexy" time and i get more nems!
How many bulbs are in that fixture?

And that looks to be a very unhappy nem. How long have you had it? Was it white like that when you got it?