Problem with zoanthids


Reefing newb
I was gone for two days. Did a water change on Sunday, the only parameter that is down is calcium. It's sitting at 380. I am going to get a magnesium test in the morning to see if that is a problem as well. I know that my calcium may be down and cannot be raised up until I check my magnesium. But I am surprised that I came home to these white fuzzy deposits over part of these new zoas I got. It was not like this two day ago. Anyone ever seen this?


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They do look like sponges. They tend to hang around zoa colonies and attempt to take over when the conditions are right.

Another possibility is that the zoas are reacting to too much light.
How long have the zoas been in the tank? and how were they acclimated to the light?
It may be improper light acclimation . All my other zoas are fine. I decided to move them down and under a little shaded area. I removed some of the dead tissue from the rock. It smelled really bad to when I pulled it out. I have heard the pink zoas are prone to this more than others. I am going to watch it closely for a couple of days,if I have to I will try a dip to . The stuff came off really easy and it was clear that some of the polyps were dead. Some had been consumed by a fish or crab as well. The whole forward edge of that rock was covered in polyps. In two days that forward edge of the rock is bare.
I had a small colony of pink zoos as well. Within the space of a week, I had a massive die off of them for no reason. I went from like 20ish polyps down to 5. After the initial die off, they have recovered and I'm almost back at 20 again. Guess it is pretty common.