Orange protrusion on Green Chromis with PIC


Reefing newb
Please help me with this if you can. Just bought these fish on Sunday May 11th at a store that is new to me. Asked for two Chromis from the tech in the store. Didnt look at the fish before I left the store, I know dumb, feel like I got took advantage of. My friends wouldnt drop me off at a store because of a problem and I don't wanna give up on him. One of the chromis' has a orange protrusion coming out of his head. It resembles a wart on the hand in shape and appearance. Cant seem to find anything on it by searching google or peering around on here. Sorry if this has been covered before.


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Looks like a tumor of some sort. Is he eating? If he is, I'd leave it alone....hopefully it IS a tumor, and not a parasite that could lay eggs :shock:
Thanks Smitty, I have noticed that you consistently give ideas and advice on the site since I've been browsing. Can't thank you enough for your insight on things. That's what makes a forum bad, good or great. Being my first aquarium oriented forum to be a part of I give this one a great rating. Thanks again!