Is this cyano?


Reefing newb
Hopefully my photo is attached and is visible.
I have some red slimy looking stuff growing on
My sand. It also has stringy pieces that look like hair
Which is also red. I do weekly 10% water and my water
Conditions are:
Nitrates 0
Ammonia 0
Nitrites. 0
Ph. 8.1
Alk. 23 dkh ?

I have siphoned out of sand bed on Sunday and was
Back by Monday. I use ro/di water from my lfs. This week
I tested the water I bought and it had small amounts
Of ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites. The fresh water I bought
Which is also ro had small amounts of ammonia. Could this
Be my problem?


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Yeah, that could be the issue. My concern is your alkalinity... you should double check the results, because 23 is dangerously high. It also sounds like your lfs should change their rodi filters.
I brought it to their attention and they told me
It was impossible and didn't even bother to test
Their water. As far as alk that concerned me as well
And have re- checked keep coming up with same.
I will have to get second test kit. What would cause
My alk to get that high?
what test brand do you have?

I had an api test that said my alk was something similar to yours. Im sure it was a bad test since everything in the tank looked pretty happy and others on this site informed me that with alk that high my corals and such should be melting.

got another test kit and it read at 9. I think the api hat it at 18. Wouldnt surprise me if yours was 11 or 12 on another kit
I brought it to their attention and they told me
It was impossible and didn't even bother to test
Their water.

I think its time to find a new fish store or buy your own ro/di unit!

And, since you are in the same area I am can I ask which fish store told you this?
Well yes, I wasn't too happy since I have giving
A lot of business and would be since I am in the
Of getting what I need for my 210 gallon build.
Which I will need a ro/di unit for. Without naming names
It was a store on the south shore located in a mall.
Bummer, that's one store I haven't been to and guess I'll avoid!

Definitely investing in your own ro/di is worth it. A lot of people have the bulk reef supply units which run as low as $130. I personally have the 5-stage spectrapure which was a lot more expensive but I also haven't had to change out the filters yet in over a year. Also keep your eyes open on the boston reefers society forums as I see ro/di units posted frequently for inexpensive prices. Can't wait to hear how your new build comes along!