something weird growing


Reefing newb
Can anyone tell me what the red thing is next to the zoas ( I think that's what they are called, I'm not good with names) Anyways, some of the zoas died off and after a while, this red thing showed up, it's gotten bigger now, I have no idea what it is or how it got there, at first I thought it was a mushroom that had somehow ended up there, or maybe red slime?, I don't know. Any help would be appreciated.


  • zooanthid.jpg
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Looks like cyanobacteria (red slime) to me and you also have some nasty aiptasia which are nuisance anemones.
Do a search on cyano and do a water change and suck that slime out of there.
You can use Aiptasia X to kill off those nasty anemones.
Try to squirt it with a turkey baster (or better yet, suck it out with the baster).
If it comes out easily, most likely it is cyanobacteria or a similar strain.

If it feels spongy and would not come off, it could actually be a sponge.
there are reef safe red slime removers you can buy. it's a powder you mix with tank water then dump it in and do a water change after a couple of days and it should clear up. that's only a temporary fix though, the real cause of the slime is bad water quality. it's gonna keep coming back if you don't improve your water quality. also, there's this stuff called "joe's juice" for killing the glass nems. you mix tank water in the bottle then suck it up in a syringe then squirt it right in the mouth of the glass nem and they should shrivel and die. a better fix for the bad nems is peppermint shrimp. they eat the nems when they're small. the shrimp are nocturnal so you wont see them often but they look pretty cool too.