@grozier Yea, that's some macro algae opposed to a ball of cheito or something like that.
@ted More rock will going in towards the end if the week. Just waiting on my LFS to get a nice new shipment.
Hey, my girlfriend goes to UF, and I've only found one fishstore up there, I can't really remember the name, I just know it was near Archer Rd. and 34th street. They had some cool stuff, but after I saw a 6 inch peacock mantis shrimp being kept in a 5 gallon tank I just walked out lol. What fish stores do you go to?
@Treezer8 That's the one I go to as well. I was actually just complaining to him about how he keeps buying more shark eggs and no one is buying sharks so he just a bunch of them in like a 40 gal tank. It's sad. He has a huge lobster in a tank that can't even walk around. He gets some really fantastic stuff though and he get's it all around noon every Monday. That's when I go and get stuff or I order from live aquaria, I agree Aquatropics does over stock...
Yep that's the place! I remember the lobster now also. You can tell he doesn't really take care of ALL of his stuff that well..But I'm probably going up to gainesville again this weekend and I might just go by there to check it out if I'm bored. I love that italian place Leonardo's and the Kay Bros bbq place. I go there every time I visit lol
I see you have feather caupluara growing in your tank. I would get rid of it ASAP. It can take over a tank really fast and is very hard to get rid of. It can also go sexual and crash the tank as well.
Yea his corals are the only real think I can give him props for. Everything else is just ok, but really wish he would give some of those things bigger homes. I'll probably have to sell all my tanks and everything before I eventually move to gainesville, then I'll probably just have a nano tank since it'll be me and my gf in a little apartment.