Frogspawn and hammer coral help?


Reefing newb
Hey yal. I was just wondering if my frogspawn and hammer coral look healthy ? i am trying to provide them the best lighting and etc. to keep them happy and growing. i would really appreciate some help on their health at moment.


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ok thank yal. these are my first corals and im just little edgy if you know what i mean. i am on top of my game with the parameters of my water do yal think that a 18k power glo and an actinic t5 lights is good enought to keep these corals? im wanting to learn alot about them i do know they are aggressive. and have read up on them a lit bit. However how exactlly do they reproduce?
The t5s are strong enough to suppor them. They reproduce by splitting heads. My frogspawn seems to like "dirty" water. My trates are from 10-20 and my corals love it.
ok thanks my parameter are
PH- 8.3
Nitrate- 0ppm
Nitrite- .25ppm
sg is 1.025
kh- 89.5 ppm
phosphate- 0ppm
calcium - 420 ppm
ammonia - .25 ppm
are these good parameters for them?
has been set up for about 2 and half months. only thing i have is clown fish pajama cardinal. and corals i have frogspawn, hammer coral, pulsing xenia, zoanthid, and a kenya tree. i got all the corals for 30 dollars and my rock i made myself which looks kinda bad but cant complain about price to do it.
yeah i just did a water change today i have never had my ammonia high nor my nitrite but i have had a clown die recently. parents got me a 3 stripe damsel and i wasn't around when they put it in tank and well it got aggressive and recently killed my clown fish but my clown fish has not been found i think either my brittle star ate it or either canister got it but i tested these after i did the water change so will deff. do another change soon. any advice to give me?
i have since then went to lfs and gave them the damsel back and now all i got in my tank is clown fish pajama cardina and small brittle star fish. i hated losing my little clown :*( it had just gave in to my other clown.
awe I'm sorry to hear that! I would most definitely say that's what caused the spikes in your parameters! Just watch your levels. You can try running carbon.
If and when I have a spike I treat my tank with prime. According to the maker it detoxifies ammonia and nitrite...Most LFS carry it, get a bottle and follow the directions.
yeah and the only reasons i got the corals was because my birthday was 4 days ago and my lfs which is my friends business told me to get couple of corals i liked etc. since my clown died i just lit scared to get another fish for little while for the prices the fish are these days lol
When in doubt a good rule is come to a screeching halt. Let the tank settle, would still be checking the water and doing changes accordingly though...
my canister does come with like two carbon filters in it but when i cleaned it today it was little fish pieces in it. so i was assuming that it was b/c the fish dying. and i do need to get a clean up crew any recommendations? so far all i have is 13 snails like no idea what kind they are it starts with a n is all i know i got coulple from parents tank. my parents are really know help b/c they really not know what they are doing but have had their tank up and running about 2 years but my dad the one that takes care of his and he in military and always gone oversize so any help i gonna start getting from here. sorry i post long messages
I like turbo snails, and hermits...have a few nass as well. But turbos are eating machines....
i have no idea what these are how do you tell the difference in the snails i think i have nass. but not sure they stay on sand and have like a brownish/ blackish shell
are yal familiar with the frogspawn and hammer coral? if so can you kinda give me an idea of how fast these grow the hammer so far has two heads an the frogspawn has one head