New Coral placement ?'s


So this weekend I picked up a few new corals! I researched all of the corals before purchasing, but was wondering what you all thought the best placement was for these.

90 Gallon DT with 6- 48" HO T5's


Dendro is at the bottom
Blasto is about at the middle of the tank
Trumpet coral I have had for a few weeks is at the middle(has not been opening lately)

What do you all suggest for placement with my lights? :D
sorry for the crappy phone pics


  • blasto.jpg
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  • Dendro.jpg
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I was hoping to hear that. What should I do about the trumpet coral? It has been fine for the last few weeks, but as of lately it is not opening any more. It looks ok other than it is not opening. Should I move it higher, or lower? or give it more time? All the other corals are doing great. Frogspawn, mushrooms, xenia...
Trumpets do well in low to moderate light. Maybe try moving it down? If it extends its feeding tentacles at night, you can feed it mysis or other meaty foods with a turkey baster. In the picture it looks good. Does it look different now?
oops, yes, that picture is from a few weeks ago. I will try moving it down and see what happens.

Is there a general way to tell if corals are getting too much light, or not enough light? Or does it depend on the individual coral?
It depends on the individual coral, but in general, staying closed or bleaching in color are signs of either too much or too little light.