Help with FrogSpawn


Reefing newb
Can someone please provide me some advise regarding my frogspawn. I've had this guy for over 2 months and he's been great except for the past few days. He has not eaten nor expanded. I have not changed anything except for purchasing LED's about a month ago. My water parameters are perfect and have been testing the calcuim and adding when needed. I have attached a photo for comments. Thanks!


  • Frogspawn.jpg
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I just checked my calcium a few days ago and it was at 400 and I added a small amount of calcification. I switched from a T5 light to the Panorama Marine LED's (on a timer so lights are not on all day). When I purchased the frogspawn from my LFS, he was under LED's and a few days after is when I switched my T5 to LED's. He has been fine up until a few days ago. I have a small frag of Zoe and a Duncan and both are just fine. In fact, the Duncan has doubled in size over the last 2-3 weeks.
If you dosed your calcium a few days ago that time frame sounds like it coincides with the changes you've seen. Can you recheck your alk/calc/mag and post your numbers for us again?

Also, is the clown the only fish in your tank? Is it spending any time near the coral / trying to host it?
Ok - just tested again. Calcium is at 380 (little low) and KH is at 214 (little high). No nitrates, PH and ammonia are perfect. Do not have a magnesium test, but will be getting one this afternoon. Also plan to do a water change to see if that helps. Any suggestions?
Your calcium isn't terribly low, and although your alk is on the high end of the range, it is also not out of range. I would think that a water change would fix any imbalances in it.

You mentioned that your duncan has grown quite quite a bit - how closely placed is it to the frogspawn?

Also still wondering about how much attention your clown is paying to the frogspawn. Clowns can try to host just about anything, and if it is trying to host the frogspawn that might be upsetting your coral and causing it to retract. If you don't see your clown paying any attention to the frogspawn during the day, check the tank at night when the lights are out.

Finally, just to verify - have you made any changes to the height of your light, location of powerheads, or added any livestock recently?
Have not made any height changes to the LED's since they were purchased and do not plan to as they are mounted to the wall. Only new additon has been the frag of Zoe. The Duncan, Zoe and Frogspawn are spaced far apart from each other. We have a six line wrasse, watchman goby and the clown. I have seen the wrasse pick at the frogspawn a few times, but he was going after food that fell onto the coral. Other than that, I have not noticed any attention that either fish has been giving the frog to cause damage. I always check out the tank after lights out to see what's going on, but have not seen the clown near the frog when sleeping.