tail rot becoming tankwide ??


Reefing newb
So I don't know what the heck is going on with my tank. My damsel got tail/fin rot and lost about a third of his tail, but he seems to be on the mend now. However, he's now got a huge white spot on his left side (I'll try to attach a pic).

NOW, my two clowns have a little bit of white on their tails that looks exactly how the fin rot on the damsel started out. I've got a 29 gallon with probably around 30 pounds of live rock. The temp is around 78. I just had to do an emergency heater replacement after the temp dropped like 14 degrees. But that was about a week ago, so i'd think that if the fish got stressed from that tail rot would have already shown up by now.

all my water parameters according to my API test kit look good. I have NO CLUE what's going on and it's makin me sad.

Anybody got ideas ????


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