

Reefing newb
So i have been seeing these tiny rust colored specs on my glass for months now. The biggest may be just over 1/16th of an inch. I can probably count at least a dozen of them on any given day. Their numbers have not appeared to increase over the months and at first I figured they were some type of pod, so i didnt pay to much attention. Recently I came across some articles that talked about how flatworms can become a major problem. I looked at tons of flatworm pix and cant seem to find any that are as small as mine, though i cant get even a blurry picture of mine. I'm trying to decide if I should use a product to attempt to kill them or not. What do you guys suggest?
flatworm eXit
works awesome!
Just follow the directions because flatworms release a toxin when they die. You will need to do a water change and possibly run some carbon.
Sounds like the same kind I had. I tried Flatworm Exit twice- once at the manufacturers dosing instructions, and a few weeks later at a dose and a half. They persisted. There are some fish that will eat them but there is always the chance that the one you buy won't eat them and then you are stuck with a fish you may not have planned in your stocking list. They seem to have died off on their own in the small tank, and my mandarin decided they were good eats in the cube so I think I am finally free of them.
Good luck with it!
I would try the Flatworm Exit. Don't be afraid to go over the dose on the box. When I've used it, I've had to go wayyyy higher than what the instructions say. Be prepared to do a water change and run carbon right afterwards. And it's important to try to fish the bodies out as they die.
Thanks guys.

I want to try the flatworm exit, but I have a few concerns. These guys are so tiny it is going to be hard to determine if the stuff is killing them, I guess seeing them come off the glass will be the indicator.

Once they begin to perish, I'm not confident that I can remove too many of their corpses, most of them are so small that my net isn't going to catch them. In fact the only ones I can see are the ones on the glass.

Finally, I'm not sure how to run activated carbon in my system. Maybe one of those pillows filled with the stuff in the middle chamber of my biocube? I'm attaching a little picture I drew to illustrate my setup. Where can I put the carbon?


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When I used flatworm exit, it was easy to tell when they died. I could not believe how many came floating up. I scooped what I could with the net. I also hooked a hob filter to the tank to run carbon and catch bodies. I dont know if there is a way for you to put a hob filter temporarily on your bio cube but if there is that is what I would do. Super cheap at walmart. Other wise add a bag of carbon anywhere in your current filtration that you can. Flow through it would be best.
If your net isn't fine enough to catch the flatworms, you can buy a finer mesh net at a pet store. You will notice when they die -- they start to go berserk. Bouncing around, twitching, flying through the water. Adding a bag of carbon to one of the chambers in the BioCube will be fine. You can drop it in anywhere the water flows.
If nets are too big to fit in your tank easily, you can also attach some tubing to both ends of a MaxiJet powerhead, then rubberband some netting around the end of the tube where the water exits. Then use it to suck up the bodies, and they will get trapped in the net, and the water will exit out the end of the powerhead (make sure it's placed in your tank).
I looked at the hob, i dont think that will work to well thanks to the design of the biocube. There really isn't a good place to put it.

Ill see if i can find a better net for the removal job. I will also plan for a bigger than usual water change so I can try and suck out bodies that way. Then put the carbon in. I will probably do this next sunday. I will post the results.