Need some Help ID'ing


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So I got these two guys from a mystery purchase. I am not sure what they are maybe someone could help my out. It looks like the bigger one is bleached out and its looked like that since I got it. If I knew what it was I would be better to help it. Thanks for any help.


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The first one looks dead whatever it is - it might have been a montipora or pagoda cup coral or merulina coral at some point, but it looks pretty dead now. The second one looks to be either a blasto, lobophyllia brain, acan of some sort, or button coral - its hard to tell the size on it. My first guess is a blasto but I'm not positive on that.
The first one looks like a type of millepora.
They form encrusting "skeletons" too but are much softer than true stony corals.
They break easily like chalk.

If it is a millepora, I would keep an eye on it as it stings other corals bad and spreads rapidly.
I just looked into the millepora and it looks to me like fire coral? Also if its dead do I keep it in there or take it out, can I leave it in there for alittle to see if it will come back?
First one looks like a dead, or on it's way out Tubinaria. The second is a Blasto that needs to be colored back up, but is alive.