Stupid brown algae wont go away!


Reefing newb
So it's been about a month now with weekly or bi weekly water changes when i'm working alot, the parameters seem to be normal nitrates in between 10-20 nothing else out of the ordinary but this stuff will not leave my tank. I know its noobish to complain about brown algae but this is getting on my nerves, cleaned it yesterday and its back already. FML lol
Can you post a pic of it...maybe we can help identify it so that we can suggest which method to go. Other than that, all I can suggest is keep doing your water changes and make sure you're using ro/di water to make your saltwater. Good luck.
Nitrates between 10-20... do you have a way or are you running a fuge??
I'm new but aren't those nitrates what is feeding your algae?

I run a fuge, it is just kicking in, but my nitrates are not detectable. AND I still had an algae problem.. it was because my MH lights were the wrong kelvins in color.. when I switched to LED's and the refuge kicked in the brown algae had a MAJOR die off.

Now everywhere my hermit crabs forage leaves clean rock... ..what a blessing!

I don't know if that helps, but since I just left (I hope) your problem, maybe this share will trip a bell of some sort.
Im running the stock BC PC bulbs 1 actinic/1 white they should be replaced soon as my polyps have been recessing a lot lately, but my frogspawn couldn't be healthier ive seen a lot of growth with in the past 2 months(which puzzles me). Here's a few pics sorry for bad lighting my RKL just shut off my whites right as i was taking these pics, so sorry for the flash.

As far as what i'm running i have the intank system/ media basket and fuge basket. the fuge basket is basically stuffed with LR. Media basket has filter floss chemi elite and LR rubble in it. Cheato is on its way right now trying to figure out how to incorporate it with the intank system, have til Friday to figure that out.


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Check out Nonfamous' thread under the algae section called "black crap on my sand" - I can't be sure its the same thing you are experiencing, but given how old your tank is and that you have been doing pretty frequent water changes, it makes me think you are dealing with an algae other than the typical brown diatoms that appear in new tanks. Your pics look a little bit like his did.
Yeah looks like diatoms to me, i had it bad when i was using water from my LFS, i think they lagged on there filter changes, Now that i have My own RODI unit and make my own salt i dont have an issue anymore, but also my nitrates have gone down and phosfates are at 0 Also now, So it could be you have Phosfates feeding it, When i did have diatoms my nitrates where along the same as yours. Now there under 5ppm.
Yes as of right now i have no clue where to get RO/DI water with out having the setup to make it yourself, so yes im using distilled water when levels go down, but for the salt water i get it from my LFS an i dont think theyre setup is very clean. This time especially i saw a lot of debris floating in my 5 gal cans that i get the water in, very upsetting to see.
Yes as of right now i have no clue where to get RO/DI water with out having the setup to make it yourself, so yes im using distilled water when levels go down, but for the salt water i get it from my LFS an i dont think theyre setup is very clean. This time especially i saw a lot of debris floating in my 5 gal cans that i get the water in, very upsetting to see.

Someone please correct me in needed, but I'm answering this both as a posted answer and to see if I'm correct. .......this could explain the high nitrates in the water.. right?
If the LFS is not selling you clean saltwater it makes a lot of sense for diatoms and nitrates. If it was me I would be mixing my own salt using distilled. :twocents:
Thanks man! Ya i noticed a lot of debris this last time of buying it which kinda pissed me off. so all i really need to make my own is a submersible pump to cycle the water for a day?
A pump and a small heater...I have so many extra power heads laying around I just toss one of those in and a little heater form walmart. One of those that doesnt even have a adjustment...Just in case I get sidetracked and cant get the water change done when I planned.
+1 Ted
You do not want to cause a quick change in temperature. Try to have the water the same within a degree. If you can ... match it as close as you can read it.
Margarita snails will eat brown algae. Fuges will not work unless they have strong flow and strong light. People always underestimate how much light and flow cheato needs.
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thanks sen i will be looking to purchase some of those snails, i may have to order online since the LFS by me doesn't always have the best selection.
great site poksal! thanks man! i will not be getting the margarita snails, as they say they are for cold water tanks, i would only b torturing them to death by bringing them into my tank that runs soo hot.