oops.. my silver dollar sized anemone


Well? .. I AM trying
My blue anemone fell down through the LR where there are a thousand possible places he could of gone.

Do I need to do anything.. ??

This is a silver dollar sized blue disk type fellow. I know he can move but don't really know what "can move" means.

Will he die in there and if so ... oh boy... ??
If its okay then it should be able to climb out of the rocks towards the light. The bigger question is why did it fall? It should have attached itself to a rock with its foot - if it detached itself and fell then it might be unhealthy, which is bad news. Anemones are hard animals to keep (they need stable and pristine water conditions) and they have very high lighting requirements. When they die they release a toxin that can wipe out your tank. I'd be concerned that it fell because it wasn't doing well and may die. How long did you have it for before it fell?
It was healthy. I was moving if from a rock it came on that had clove tubes on it. It slipped off my gloved fingers. I had it 3 days. How long til I should see it in the light strong areas?
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it has a foot and attaches, and my LD said it was a nem..

Is bluish purple, can draw up kind-a purse string like, has a large mouth in the center, and has a nice silver ring around it.. I'm not home but I think the mouth parts are yellowish to white. Is fuzzy not fingered like. Sorry no pictures...(I can't find it)
So the question is ..I guess.. do I need to go fine it... I could use a little rock re-scape anyway... I guess.. wait, .. I just got it out.
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There are no nems in my coral tank and I intend to keep it that way.... my corals.. are to be my pirority. Thay guy is in the hospital tank and doesn't look so good right now. I was able to get him out with a siphon tube. The verdict is not completely in because some of my corals look a little unhappy. Nothing major at this point.
Pictures coming, no I say I got him out and NOW there aren't any nems in my tank... is that some clearer... wink... sorry
OK this thing was about the size of a silver dollar and now has purse stringed, was blueish purple, its foot has attached to this dish like a snail does.


  • normally purple blue nem.webp
    normally purple blue nem.webp
    21 KB · Views: 308
If anyone has a verdict on if this is really a nem... if it isn't it can go back if it is it ain't...

Anyone near me in north Texas (north of FW) want to adopt a nem??
That does look like a mini carpet or rock flower anemone, and not too happy at the moment. What kind of lighting do you have in your tank? Can you tell if its foot got damaged at all?
Tank is 95 gal, two MH and two 40 watt 36" Marine Glow high in blues.
Test all near as you can get to perfect with the tests, except the KH runs around 240.
The tank has been cycled and alive for about 3 weeks. Lots of LR, running a sump, skimmer, and Maricle Mud in the sump hold tank, running the skimmer in an anex room off the sump. Water is all RODI with gravity ATO from a RODI holding tank. I'm not interested all that much in nems, this one just came along with the deal, so I put him in the tank.
Does he fit my coral (young and building stock) tank or do I adopt him out? Opinions.. pros and cons.. please...
he is in jail at the moment so I guess I need to know
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Give your tank more time before adding things like anemones. Also mini-maxis don't need very much light and will often slip into the rocks or behind rocks. It may not like those MHs very much either. Try to coax it to attach at the bottom of your tank somewhere out of direct light. If you are lucky it will stay put but don't bet on it. Mini maxis move quickly to find a spot but once they are happy in one place they usually don't move. Great anemones though, I love them and they are easy to reproduce :)
This mini carpet nem is now back in its happy spot as of last night. In this case it was in strong light at the LD and had been happy at the top of my LR mountain. However, I had decided to move it, (I had some dumb reason I forget). It was not happy moved, so I decided to boost it back to its happy spot (we like our pets happy don't we). That is when I had dropped it down between the rocks and it turned out it wasn't down in the rocks nearly as far as I feared. After removing the top LR, there it was in a nitch. So, I removed it and ask more questions. My references don't address mini carpets so I was without data. Now I have what help you guys and gals provided ... nice.

I was able to coax it to grab onto a small LR that I could place in the tank. So, short story. it is back where it had been happy. Now we will see how long it takes it to stop pouting. If mini nems can cuss my ears should be burning.

THANK YOU all.. & thanks have been sent
.. I'm learning as fast as I can.. I just hope my mistakes won't be too costly in animal lives.
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